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Big change is in the air

At the end of this year (2024),

I will be shutting down  the business end  of Vandoodle Art and will concentrate  instead on my  own creative art journey.


I invite you to follow along  through my YouTube videos and this website.  It's going to be a fun, adventure.



Vandoodle ART

What's happening now?

I'm slowly dissolving the art studio (Crowsnest) and creating a studio in my home to work from when I'm not out in the world making art.


I've already parked my car for the winter and am embarking on a new walking challenge  around the city...with a sketchbook or paints!


This is partly so I can keep myself physically active and improve my fitness but it's also to get me out in the world on more creative adventures.


You can easily follow along on these adventures by subscribing to my YouTube channel: Vandoodle Art


The  website shop will stay open and I'll occasionally put new works in it but my focus now will be on making art and encouraging others to do so, rather than marketing or selling.

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